C/ Provenza, 281 Bajos
08037 Barcelona

Atención al cliente
93 215 37 93

Provença, 281, bajos
08037 Barcelona


PCR EXPRESS 12-24h >> 100€ ANTIGENS TESTANTIGEN RAPID TEST >> 30€ WE RECOMMEND AN APPOINTMENT: 8:30 to 13:00h / 15:30 to 19:00h Ourspecialties Know more  Customer service phone 93 215 37 93 l How to visit The way to make the process of requesting an...


Contact Us  info@centremediccatalonia.com  C/ Provenza, 281 Bajos08037 Barcelona  93 215 37 93 Name * Surnames * Email * Telephone * Message I have read and accept the Privacy Policy 11 + 4 = SEND In compliance with the LOPD, through this contact method they will...


Mutuals We work with the following mutuals Centre Mèdic Assistencial Catalònia offers services to: Private Clients, Life Insurance Entities, Occupational Risk Prevention Services, Free Insurance Entities (Mutual) Online appointment The way to make the process of...

Medical chart

Medical chart Our medical chart Dra. Teresa González Acupuncture Dra. Esther Pinto Allergology Dr. Enric Caballería Digestive system Dr. Josep Masip Cardiology Dr. Juan López Vila Cardiology Dr. Jordi Piulachs General Surgery Dr. Alexis Luna General and Bariatric...

Our center

Our center Centre Mèdic Catalònia Centre Mèdic Assistencial Catalònia puts at your disposal facilities of more than 600 square meters equipped with the necessary equipment to cover the diagnostic and therapeutic actions that the treatment of each user requires, in a...
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