C/ Provenza, 281 Bajos
08037 Barcelona

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93 215 37 93

Provença, 281, bajos
08037 Barcelona


Chiropody Chiropody Podiatry (from the Greek ποδο-, podo: ‘foot’, and -λογία, -logy, study ‘) is a branch of medicine that aims to study, diagnose and treat diseases and disorders that affect the foot. The podiatrist is a qualified specialist,...

Patricia Gómez

Medical chart Specialty: Psychology Prof. Patricia Gómez E Degree in psychology (Ramón Llull University) E Official Master's Degree in Legal, Forensic and Criminological Psychopathology (Vic) E Postgraduate in Integrative Psychotherapy (University of Girona) E...

Patricia García

Medical chart Specialty: Psychology Prof. Patricia García Online appointmen The way to make the process of requesting an appointment time more agile and faster is through our website, where you can request your appointment with your specialist doctor from home, with...

Patricia Camacho

Medical chart Specialty: Gynecology and Obstetrics Dra. Patricia Camacho Online appointment The way to make the process of requesting an appointment time more agile and faster is through our website, where you can request your appointment with your specialist doctor...


Otorhinolaryngology Otorhinolaryngology Otolaryngology is the medical specialty that studies and works on the ear, nose and throat. It is usually related, in addition, to oral problems (not dental or lingual), pharynx-larynx, and all the functions or auditory and nose...
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