C/ Provenza, 281 Bajos
08037 Barcelona

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93 215 37 93

Provença, 281, bajos
08037 Barcelona

Angiology and vascular surgery

Angiology and vascular surgery Angiology and vascular surgery Angiology (gr. Angio, “vas” and -log, “study”) is the medical specialty that deals with the study of the vessels of the circulatory system and the lymphatic system. It includes the...


Allergology Allergology We name allergology to the medical specialty that studies diseases related to allergic processes. Allergy is an exaggerated defense response of the body when it comes into contact with certain substances that come from outside or that the body...


Acupuncture Acupuncture To Western eyes, Traditional Chinese Medicine seems strange, for being so different, in methods and philosophy in our orthodox medicine. Although in recent years it occupies a prominent place as the first therapeutic choice, or as a complement...

Medical check

Medicalcheck Medical check At the Center Mèdic Assistencial Catalònia we have the service of examinations aimed at evaluating the state of health and the prevention of diseases. Performed by internists and cardiologists. We have the basic diagnostic means (analytical,...
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