Specialty: Cardiology
Dr. Josep Masip
Doctor in medicine
Cardiology Specialist. European Diploma in Intensive Medicine
Cargos actuales:
- Consultant of the Research Directorate of the Integral Healthcare Consortium, University of Barcelona since October 2020
- Director of Cardiology at AGMA CLINIC since May 2019. Cardiologist at the Catalonia Medical Center since July 2020
- Professor of Postgraduate-Master at the University of Barcelona, Menéndez Pelayo University and Rey Juan Carlos University
- Board member of the ACVC of the European Society of Cardiology since 2017
- President of the Scientific Committee of the Foundation for Wine and Nutrition Research (FIVIN) since 2018
- Chair of the Acute Heart Failure Section ACVC-ESC
- Professor of Cardiology at the University of Barcelona (since 1990)
Charges and previous activities:
- Head of the Intensive Medicine Service of the Consorcio Sanitario Integral 1992-2017
Head of Cardiology Service Hospital CIMA 2009-2020 - Fellow and Interim Assistant Physician of the Cardiology Service of the Hospital Clínico de Barcelona 1984 and 1987
- Resident Physician and Assistant of the Cardiology Service of the Red Cross Hospital of Barcelona until 1992
- Visiting professor at the Hospital Clínico de Barcelona (1992) and Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, California, USA (1996)
- Scientific advisor Orion, Menarini, Thermo-Fisher, Novartis, Sanofi-Sinthelabo
- Medical Director CARDIOCERC (Cardiac Rehabilitation Center) Barcelona (2007-2011)
- Faculty in more than 100 international congresses
- Author of more than 200 communications and publications in the best cardiology journals (Impact factor> 70 in 2020).
- Author-review 2020-ESC Guidelines of dislipidemia and Chronic Coronary Syndrom
- Reviewer of: Intensive Care Medicine, European Heart Journal Acute Cardiovascular Care, JAMA, Chest, Lancet, Journal of the Canadian Medical Association, European Heart Journal, American Journal of Cardiology, European Journal of Heart Failure, Annals of Internal Medicine, International Journal of Cardiology, Circulation
- Principal investigator or member of the Steering Committee of more than 20 international studies
Online appointment
The way to make the process of requesting an appointment time more agile and faster is through our website, where you can request your appointment with your specialist doctor from home, with the convenience that this service entails. You will be able to see the available hours of the doctors to be able to choose the one that best suits your needs and schedules. However, you have the possibility to change, modify or cancel the appointment.
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