C/ Provenza, 281 Bajos
08037 Barcelona

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93 215 37 93

Provença, 281, bajos
08037 Barcelona


Nephrology Nephrology Nephrology (from the Greek nephros, meaning kidney) is the branch of Internal Medicine that deals with the study of kidney function and diseases. Nephrology doctors call nephrologists. In Spain, nephrology is a specialty that is achieved through...

Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine Internal Medicine Internal medicine is a medical specialty that is dedicated to the comprehensive care of the sick adult, especially to the clinical problems of the majority of patients who are admitted to a hospital. The doctor who specializes in...

General medicine

General medicine General medicine General medicine is the first level of medical care. The general practitioner is a professional trained to diagnose and manage different common pathologies and refer to the indicated specialist when appropriate. DRA. TERESA SELGA DRA....

Aesthetic Medicine and Plastic Surgery

Medicina Estética y Cirugía Plástica Medicina Estética y Cirugía Plástica En el Centro Médico Catalònia tenemos como objetivo ofrecer a nuestros pacientes una atención global, a fin de ayudarles a mejorar su calidad de vida, desde hace años.Es por ello que ofrecemos...

Speech therapy

Speech therapy Speech therapy Speech therapy is the profession specialized in the processes of human communication and swallowing. The speech therapist is the professional specialized in the study, prevention, evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of communication and...

Indiba Activ – Deep Diathermy

Indiba Activ – Deep Diathermy Indiba Activ – Deep Diathermy HOW DOES IT WORK? INDIBA® through medical studies has described the Proionic ® System as the only system that stimulates intra and extra cellular ion exchange, thereby restoring cellular...
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