C/ Provenza, 281 Bajos
08037 Barcelona

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93 215 37 93

Provença, 281, bajos
08037 Barcelona

Eric Herrero

Medical chart Specialty: Physiotherapy Prof. Eric Herrero E Expert in EPTE (Percutaneous Therapeutic Electrolysis) Clinical treatment of tendinopathies E Winback Expert E Expert in dry needling (trigger points) E Graduated in Physiotherapy with a Mention in Manual...

Enrique Caballería Rovira

Medical chart Specialty: Digestive System Dr. Enric Caballería Rovira E Graduate in medicine and surgery (Faculty of Medicine of the University of Barcelona – 1973) E Doctor of medicine and surgery (University of Barcelona “Apto cum laude” 1992) E...


Endocrinology Endocrinology What is an Endocrinologist? An endocrinologist is a doctor who specializes in diseases of hormones, metabolism, and nutritional problems. Your main doctor refers you to an endocrinologist when you have a problem in the endocrine system (eg...


Ultrasound scans Ultrasound scans Ultrasound Ultrasound is a medical test that uses ultrasounds that allow a machine to compose images of the body with these ultrasounds. When this technique is used to explore blood vessels it is called Doppler ultrasound. What does...

Dietetics and Nutrition

Dietetics and Nutrition Dietetics and Nutrition DIETARYDietetics is the science that studies food regimes when you are healthy or ill (diet therapy), in accordance with knowledge about the physiology of nutrition in the first case and about the pathophysiology of the...
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